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How To Analyze Java Malware – A Case Study Of Strrat
May 3, 2023STRRAT is a Java-based malware that executes multiple commands transmitted by the C2 server. The JAR file was obfuscated using the Allatori obfuscator. It establishes persistence on the host by copying to the Startup folder and creating a scheduled task and a Run registry entry.
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SecurityScorecard Launches First and Only Security Ratings Platform with Natural Language Processing Capabilities, Providing Customers with Faster Security Insights
April 25, 2023More DetailsSecurity Ratings -
Prepare for Zero-Day Threats: Military and Private Sector Leaders Share Their Insights
April 14, 2023Leading cybersecurity experts Major General John F. Wharton, (US Army retired); Oleg Strizhak, Shell’s Digital Supply Chain Risk Manager; and Sam Curry, the CISO of Zscaler, recently sat down with SecurityScorecard’s President of International Operations Matthew McKenna to discuss how organizations can prepare themselves and their supply chains for zero-day attacks, preventing and responding to them, as well as best practices for supply chain risk management.
More DetailsCyber Threat Intelligence, Public Sector -
Mitigating Cyber Risk: Insights from the Front Lines of Cyber Insurance
April 12, 2023More DetailsCyber Insurance -
7 Factors that Drive Cyber Risk: New Research from Marsh McLennan and SecurityScorecard
April 12, 2023Cyber risk is dynamic and influenced by a wide range of variables, quantifying it requires numerous, continuously updated data points.
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Case Study
April 4, 2023Before working with SecurityScorecard, we had a bandage over our eyes. We couldn't see.
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6 Ways To Use SecurityScorecard APIs and Integrations
April 4, 2023Optimize your security workflows and deliver intelligence with the largest ecosystem of integrated technology partners. Learn more.
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