How energy companies safeguard their supply chain and protect against cyber threats

Proactively secure energy projects including power grids, renewable energy, and oil and gas. Eliminate vulnerabilities, protect your attack surface, and minimize downtime in the event of a cybersecurity incident.

Energy companies prevent cyber attacks with SecurityScorecard

Companies in the energy industry have a wealth of confidential consumer data, business data, and systems that are critical and relied upon by communities. This makes the energy industry an attractive target for malicious actors. Energy companies leveraging SecurityScorecard get the context and insights needed to proactively protect their operations and infrastructure from breaches and other supply chain cyber attacks.

  • Secure your attack surface

    Determine the impact of particular cyber risks on your security rating and enhance your cybersecurity posture through prioritized mitigation efforts. Leverage tailored remediation plans through SecurityScorecard to take the necessary steps to achieve your goals.

  • Identify cyber risks in your third-party ecosystem

    Your third parties are oftentimes the weakest link in your vendor network. SecurityScorecard is trusted by over 3,000 customers to identify and remediate cybersecurity threats across their supply chain.

  • Discover cyber threats across your extended supply chain

    Uncover the unknown. Explore the supply chain of your third-party entities to uncover risks within your fourth-party ecosystem and beyond. Instantly see your connections to high-risk suppliers and identify vendors directly linked to you that were previously undisclosed.

Hear from our customers

  • “SecurityScorecard has allowed me and my team to automate and scale many of the functions of our vendor risk management program as well as continuously monitor their internal and third-party security posture.”

    Virgin Pulse Chief Information Security Officer
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