Organizations with an A grade from SecurityScorecard can save up to 10% on cyber insurance with Measured Insurance.

Fill out the form to get a cyber insurance quote from Measured Insurance and realize the benefits of a measurably low cyber risk exposure.

**Up to 10% discount, depending on an organization’s calculated risk based on the SecurityScorecard rating. Measured typically underwrites U.S.-domiciled businesses with less than $500MM in revenue and fewer than 1,000 employees.

Increase the ROI of your security program

The Benefits of Using Measured for Your Cyber Insurance

  • Comprehensive, AI-Driven Approach

    to accurately price your risk of a cyber attack

  • Personalized Action Plan

    for increased cybersecurity, in partnership with SecurityScorecard

  • Ongoing, Active Threat Monitoring

    and updates to ensure consistent and strong cybersecurity posture

About Measured Insurance and Analytics

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