• Industry Construction
  • Footprint 93 IPs
  • Followers Monitored by 11 companies
  • Headquarters Portland, US
  • Year founded 1950
  • Employees 530

Andersen has evolved into a Construction Manager and General Contractor who excels in technically challenging projects. Complex designs, occupied spaces, restrictive sites, fast track schedules and tough budgets are characteristics of projects made for Andersen. We are known by owners, architects and engineers as a world class builder who can be trusted to deliver quality on time and on budget. Andersen is a company whose people understand the power of collaboration and teamwork and leverage that power to overcome challenges and accomplish great things.With offices in Oregon, Washington and Idaho, Andersen's portfolio includes experience in High Tech, Commercial Retail, Cultural, Education, Government, Health Care, Hospitality, Urban Housing, Industrial & Manufacturing, Parking Structures and the performance of Tenant Improvements, Seismic Upgrades and Remediation. Our bonding capacity is in excess of $300,000,000.

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What do our scores mean?
What do our scores mean?
We learned from over 12 million cybersecurity ratings that companies with an F are 13.8 times more likely to be impacted by a breach versus those with an A.

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Maintaining a strong security program is an investment that your prospects will want to know about. Make sure your good security posture has a presence on your website: show it off and share the news by adding a Badge from SecurityScorecard.

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What do we measure?


SecurityScorecard collects billions of signals each week, helping organizations see risks, get more actionable information, and respond faster to keep up with threat actors. Security teams are able to react quickly to digital criminals, respond to Zero-Day incidents faster, and reduce the risk exposure timeline.

Learn More About Security Signals

These are some of the factors we use to calculate the overall score:


Network Security

Discover open access points, insecure or misconfigured SSL certificates, or database vulnerabilities.


Patching Cadence

Understand how diligently a company is patching its operating systems, services, applications, software, and hardware in a timely manner.


IP Reputation

See the quantity and duration of malware infections, along with other factors influence the overall assessment of an organization’s IP Reputation.


Endpoint Security

Understand the effectiveness of protections in place for laptops, desktops, mobile devices, and all employee devices that access that company’s network.

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How is your Scorecard calculated?

Take a look at the 10 factor categories at the core of SecurityScorecard’s cybersecurity rating methodology.

Embed security into your company DNA

Cyber risk ratings influence business activity from the loading dock to the board room. Learn all how to incorporate security ratings insights into workflows throughout your organization

Scorecards deliver real value

How do you quantify cyber risk management? Threat prevention may be hard to compute, but Forrester Consulting has done the work or you. Spoiler alert: SecurityScorecard customers realize investment payback in under a quarter.

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