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Case Study
Modulr Case Study
December 3, 2019By using SecurityScorecard, Modulr was also able to decrease operational costs, increase objectivity, reduce human error and more. Read the case study.
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Case Study
Horizon Media Case Study
October 30, 2019With the help of SecurityScorecard’s ratings and company’s compliance policies, the firm is able to maintain a perfect Scorecard rating, and thus delivers on its promise to secure and protect its customers’ data. Additionally, Horizon Media is uniquely positioned in the media advertising industry to leverage its ‘A’ cybersecurity risk rating, which offers them a significant competitive advantage, especially for ‘big name’ deals.
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Learning Center
10 Ways to Engage Employees During National Cybersecurity Awareness Month
October 19, 2019Do you know how cyber aware your employees are? Check out these 10 ways to engage employees during National Cybersecurity Awareness Month.
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Learning Center
5 Ways to Meet Regulatory Compliance and Standards Requirements
October 17, 2019More DetailsTech Center -
Case Study
Axcient Case Study
October 8, 2019By creating an interdepartmental knowledge base for security using SecurityScorecard’s easy-to-read security ratings, everyone from leadership down through the company could identify issues, have meaningful conversations, and establish cyber confidence. These cross-enterprise conversations built stronger relationships between the security team, leadership, and marketing that focused on security’s benefits.
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Case Study
Children’s Hospital of Minnesota Case Study
October 8, 2019Children's has used the breadth and depth of findings surfaced by the SecurityScorecard platform to show that there are risks that must be quantified and considered in determining what level of risk is acceptable. Providing this sort of education and visibility on risk management at the board level is one of the contributing factors that has allowed the team to improve the cybersecurity health of Children’s Minnesota- progress they are able to easily quantify and report on.
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Case Study
Gunderson Dettmer Case Study
October 8, 2019With SecurityScorecard, the firm maintains continuous visibility into the cyberhealth of its IT infrastructure and can easily provide a snapshot of its security posture to elevate awareness among internal stakeholder and instill confidence across the diverse range of companies in its client portfolio.
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Case Study
Healthcare Case Study
October 8, 2019This well-known insurance provider leverages SecurityScorecard as a marketing tool to assure customers of the security of their data by providing SecurityScorecard reports in the RFP process, comparing its cybersecurity profile against its competitors, providing an additional independent verification of the company’s and its vendors’ cybersecurity practices and showcasing the effectiveness of the company’s continuous monitoring.
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White Paper
Explanation Of Our Data
October 8, 2019This white paper provides detail on the active and passive collection methods and signal types that are in use by the SecurityScorecard solution. The breadth and depth of the security data discussed is the foundation from which SecurityScorecard can deliver the most comprehensive cybersecurity ratings in the industry.
More DetailsAttack Surface Management, Enterprise Cyber Risk, Security Ratings, Supply Chain Cyber Risk -
Learning Center
What is Cybersecurity Performance Management?
September 12, 2019If you’re going to manage your cybersecurity program’s performance you have to be able to measure it. Fortunately, there are metrics that will help you manage your cybersecurity performance. You just have to choose the ones that are relevant to your organization.
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Learning Center
Cybersecurity Risk Management: Definition, Frameworks, & More
August 19, 2019Cybersecurity risk management enables businesses to embrace innovative solutions and leverage vendors without compromising their cybersecurity posture. Learn more.
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Learning Center
6 Best Practices for Third Party Risk Assessment Questionnaires & Evidence Collection
June 25, 2019Here are 6 best practices to conduct your third party risk assessment questionnaires and evidence collection.
More DetailsSupply Chain Cyber Risk, Tech Center